- Robert Sauber is a teacher at Southeast of Saline High School and has served on our board for many years in various positions.
- Amber Fouard is a pre-school teacher at Ell-Saline Elementary School and has served on our board for several years as secretary.
- Trena Lackey is our General Manager and a former teacher of Education from K-State University.
- Troy Donnelly is a Carpenter/Locksmith at USD 305 Operations has joined us in mid 2021.
- Eric Boyle is a Network Administrator at USD 305 and joined us this February 2022.
- David Turner is a Fire Science Instructor at Salina Area Technical School and a Retired Firefighter and joined us this February 2022.
All board of directors are VOLUNTEERS and attend a monthly meeting most months of the calendar year as well as one or two specialty meetings. We appreciate their time and dedication to your credit union.